how to work on source code of Nuxeo platform in eclipse

Dear Friends,

I am a java developer and i am fairly new to Nuxeo Platform. Please guide me, how can i do following things. –> As of now i have added Nuxeo IDE plugin to eclipse and its working fine. –> I just want to know, how can i build the source code of Nuxeo and deployee into plain tomcat server because i need to do some changes at code level for example enabling/disabling some futures. I know it is very basic thing but kindly answer me.

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1 answers



I think you should use the extension mechanism provided by Nuxeo : build a bundle contaning only the features you want to customize. It is lighter and easier to maintain.

Training docs

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Hi Pierre Bouvret,

Thanks for your valuable suggestion. Could please provide any link relating to this.


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