How can I grant permission 'directoriesManagementAccess' to group diffrent from Administrator and power users?

Hello, How can I grant permission 'directoriesManagementAccess' to group diffrent from Administrator and power users? In fact I want to add new entries to a vocabulary using Directoy.CreateVocabulryEntry operation but I got this message on server.log “Failed to invoke operation: Directory.CreateVocabularyEntry, Failed to invoke operation Directory.CreateVocabularyEntry, User user does not have Write permission”

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2 answers



You can also try adding permission on directory declaration as follows:

<extension target="" point="directories">  
    <directory name="MyVocab" extends="template-vocabulary">
        <permission name="Write">
          <group>Everyone</group> <!-- you can set your specific group(s) -->
1 votes

I believe you can't OOTB and you would have to create a custom automation chain with the Auth.LoginAs operation with a user with enough priviledges

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