how to add jsf capabilities in nuxeo ide

I saw this article but in nuxeo ide I do not know how to do that. For me is helpful this capabilities on development time

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1 answers



Hi murkein,

Have you installed jboss-tools?

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yes, I have installed this tools but when I try open a "*.xhtml" , a dialog box is showed with this message: Add capabilities jsf? and when I press ok button, I have to configure this: select web.xml file but my project doesn't this file, another configuration is that I must select the server type.

Nuxeo have a specific packaging based on OSGI-INF model to add the flexibility that a standard web app doesn't offer. With our model different jar can contribute to the web.xml through the deployment-fragment.xml.

That's leads me to tell that there is some features in JBoss-tools that will not work. If you can ask to JBoss-tools to manage your self the definition of your jsf resource into the web.xml you have your work around and you will benefit of the syntax and completion features of the tools.

Maybe using the server type will be the solution, but I don't know how JBoss-tools works. My answer is just suggestion :)

Maybe other people with more knowledge on this tools will have a better answer.

For your information, Nuxeo is working on a packaged IDE with Nuxeo IDE and useful tools like you can find in JBoss-tools.
