Viewing Documents Published in Sections

I have about 6000 documents (.odt files) stored in 32 folders under Workspaces, and about half of those documents have status Approved after going through a parallel workflow, and have been published in identically named folders under Sections. However, when I login to a regular user account (not my administrative-class account) I can only see a few of those published documents – a seemingly random scattering of documents. Yet I have used exactly the same process to upload, assign metadata, approve, and publish all of these documents. I have no idea how to correct this situation, but I desperately need ALL of these published documents to be viewable and searchable by the users. I hope someone out there can help me…

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1 answers



A few questions:

  1. Have you logged out of the regular user account then logged back in?
  2. Are the folders visible to the regular user, just not the documents?
  3. Can the regular user access the missing documents when given the direct link to the document?
  4. Have you tried reindexing elasticsearch for the relevant Sections?

Thank you for responding.

1) Yes, I've logged out and back in to the regular account numerous times. 2) Yes, the folders are all visible to the regular user, and some of them have a few documents also visible. 3) I don't understand what you mean by “given the direct link to the document”. Given how? 4) Yes, I tried reindexing elasticsearch, but it didn't make any perceivable difference.

It seems very bizarre that a few documents are visible and searchable, while all were prepared and published in exactly the same way.


I am perplexed that no one seems to have a solution for this. It seems that what I am doing is a very routine thing – the very purpose of the Nuxeo DMS – to publish documents in the Sections that regular users can view and search through, but my published documents are not visible, defeating the purpose. Surely it must be something simple. Do any of the developers monitor this forum?

Perhaps this is a key: I initially uploaded the documents via webdav, and then added the metadata and went through the workflow via the web interface.

Supposing your administrator account can see all section documents : are they published or waiting for publication ? What appears in history ?

Ah, it shows "waiting for approval" but why is that when its status is already "Approved"? Each of these documents went through a parallel workflow, but with just one reviewer, who approved them, and then they were published in their respective Sections. Is there any way to batch approve them all? There are thousands of them that were "approved" and published using this same procedure.

And how can we avoid this in the future? Why doesn't the approval of the one reviewer work, rather than leaving it in that state of awaiting approval? What I did before was review a set of 20 documents and after approving each one I put it in my worklist, and then published all the documents in the worklist at the same time.

“Approved” is the lifecycle state of your doc. “waiting for approval” is related to publication workflow. Both are independent (you can publish docs that are in project state).

This may be related to an ACL issue on your sections : Write or manage vs “ask to publish”.

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That still doesn't answer my question, since in the workflow I personally clicked the "Approve" button for these documents, yet they are still awaiting approval. Why is that? So now do I have to go one-by-one through all these published documents in the Sections and click the "Approve" button there also, or is there some batch procedure I can use?

It does answer why your user cannot see those documents : they are not yet published.

I still don't understand, because after approving the documents in the workflow, I added them to my worklist, and then went to the appropriate Section and clicked the "publish here" button provided at the bottom of the worklist, so why didn't that do what it said: publish those documents in that section?

check the permissions in the section

All users have Read permission in all the Sections.

So noone can write

That is correct. No regular user can write, but we have an Editors group who have write access. But the regular users should be able to see and search the documents in the sections.

Ok, I just did a test. I uploaded a new document. Then I started a parallel workflow and approved the document. Then I put it in my worklist. Then I went to the appropriate Section and clicked "Publish here" in the worklist panel. Then I logged out of my administrative account and logged into a regular user account, and looked for the document in that Section, and it was NOT visible. So then I logged out and logged back into my administrative account, and I updated that same document to force it back to Project state, and I started another workflow, approved it again, added it to my worklist, then went to the right Section, and clicked "Publish here". Then I logged out of my adminstrative account, logged into my regular user account, went back to that Section, and the document WAS visible. This is very strange. Exact same procedure on the same document, but the first time it was NOT visible and the second time it WAS visible. Is this not a BUG?

So since this is clearly a bug, how does one go about reporting bugs?

Is there any way for me to register this strange behavior as a bug, so that it can be fixed?