email notifications are not always send when publishing a document

Since I passed on Nuxeo LTS2016 , when a user publish a document to a section , sometimes the notification is send, but most of the time it's not. On my 5.8 platform, it used to work fine. I have the message in the server.log :

2018-09-26 12:12:21,795 WARN  [ajp-bio-] [org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.publisher.impl.finder.AbstractRootSectionsFinder] Section with ID=723de645-9005-442a-9f41-84b53a185ce1 not found for document with ID=fd5280b8-855b-4550-892f-3d2a0bc43241

Section with ID=723de645-9005-442a-9f41-84b53a185ce1 actually does not exist . S , I have two question:

  • how can I suppress this section ID ?
  • why email notification is not send in this case?

Thanks for any suggestion, Regards, Henri

PS :

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Can you provide more information about what is currently configured and how it is configured to send email etc?


Here is more interesting information (the information above are obsolete).

my system config : CentOS 7 jdk1.8.0_181 nuxeo-server-tomcat-8.10-HF30

on my test server instance, I can see in the Admin / Monitoring :

notificationListener NotificationEventListener(async) 2 calls 566ms 95,45%

But on my prod server, notificationListener is not listenning : it seems working the first time as the comment notification was sent.

Then, is never excuted for the next comments.

The synchronous listeners work well.

Thanks for any suggestion Henri

PS : my smtp config works fine :

  • Protocole d'envoi des emails : smtp
  • Nom d'hôte pour la connexion transport : localhost
  • Numéro de port pour la connexion transport : 25
0 votes

After a while, It seems that on my test server, the notificationListener is frozen also (even if it appairs in the Monotring / Asynchonous Event List)

The method EmailHelper.sendmail() is not executed anymore .


hello Henri Jacob, I have the same situation on tasks assign email notification, and on document update permissions notifications, did you find any solution? thnx