Multidirectory ldap group problem

I configure NUXEO 6.0 HF02 as “Utilisateurs et groupes” : “Utilisateurs et groupes dans des annuaires combinés” For information, i have an ldap/sql configuration wich works on 5.8 LTS plateform. So I believe my Ldap config is good. I can login with local admin account (sql) or ldap admin account. But, I can search group (local or ldap). This error is return : executeQuery failed servor.log : Caused by: invalid attribute description; remaining name 'ou=group,dc=univ-lemans,dc=fr'

    at com.sun.jndi.ldap.Filter.encodeSimpleFilter(

I can retrieve the “admin” group when i configure : Annuaire combinés pour les utilisateurs + annuaire SQL pour les groupes.

Mes recherche sur Answers m'ont amené à passé en HF-01 et HF-02.

Merci pour votre aide

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1 answers




I think your problem is the same as in NXP-16116 which is fixed since HF01: the search filter expression for the user directory was not filled with what is typed in the wizard. With the new template provided by the HF01, it should be ok.

You can check that you have now something in nxserver/config/default-ldap-users-directory-bundle.xml.nxftl in the searchFilter tag


Kind regards,


0 votes

Hello Thierry Happy new year and thank you for your answer. But I have an another error. I have yet installed HF01 and HF02 ! I have now this error : executeQuery failed servor.log : Caused by: invalid attribute description; remaining name 'ou=group,dc=univ-lemans,dc=fr' at com.sun.jndi.ldap.Filter.encodeSimpleFilter( ….

different from : Caused by: Missing 'equals'; remaining name 'ou=Users,d…….

Regards, Patrick


is it possible to attach your file nxserver/config/default-ldap-users-directory-bundle.xml after having obfuscated sensible data (password, url, etc)? thanks

I just find the solution : This mapping was missing ! <fieldmapping name="grouplabel">description</fieldmapping> Merci pour ton aide. Patrick