Nuxeo Newbie

I am studying the possibility of using Nuxeo as Document Management System, but not find a way to capture the structure and I want to make a easy and simple How to (if posible) to carry out. My desire is to know if Nuxeo allows:

  • Management of groups, users and file permissions granularly.

  • Management of version control of documents for all of them since the beginning.

  • Structure of documents such as:

        - DC (root)
           - Section
             - Folder
                - Documents
                - Folder
                   - Documents
             . . .
             - Folder
                - Documents
                - Folder
                   - Documents
             . . .

You can do this with Nuxeo?

They can recommend me any document or How to how to implement it fast and that allows me to test what I want to implement?

Thanks in advance and best regards. Manuel.

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2 answers



Gracias Leonardo, he leido alguno de los documentos, pero no estoy familiarizado con el procedimiento y no me resulta muy intuitivo. Insistiré en ello.

Un saludo cordial. Manuel.

Thanks Leonardo, I read some of the documents, but I'm not familiar with the procedure and was not very intuitive. I insist on it.

Best regards. Manuel.

1 votes

Si es dificil familiarizarte al principio, pero ya que vas entendiendo se va simplificando. Empieza con el Developpers Cookbook, ahi te explican todo desde el principio (como crear un documento personal, que es el workflow, etc.) Tambien puedes apoyarte del Nuxeo Studio, para que veas que opciones tiene (la personalizacion de workflows debe ser hecha en el Studio asi que sacale provecho) Saludos.

Yes, with Nuxeo you can do all of that, have you looked at the Nuxeo Documentation Center? here you can find a lot of tutorials and How-to about all the Nuxeo's funcionalities.

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