Warn: No fulltext index configured for field dc:title, falling back on LIKE query


We've detected a 'WARN' in the Nuxeo server.log:

WARN [http-bio-] [org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.jdbc.NXQLQueryMaker] No fulltext index configured for field dc:title, falling back on LIKE query

TRACE [http-bio-] org.nuxeo.ecm.core.storage.sql.jdbc.JDBCLogger SQL: SELECT [C1] FROM (SELECT [hierarchy].[id] AS [C1] FROM [hierarchy] LEFT JOIN [dublincore] [F1] ON [hierarchy].[id] = [F1].[id] LEFT JOIN [misc] [F2] ON [hierarchy].[id] = [F2].[id] WHERE (([hierarchy].[primarytype] IN ('SectionRoot', 'Workspace', 'Forum', 'RelationSearch', 'user_open_tasks_cv', 'FollowLifeCycleTransitionTask', 'PublishTask', 'Thread', 'Collection', 'TemplateRoot', 'Document', 'Folder', 'DocumentRouteStep', 'Domain', 'Collections', 'File', 'WorkspaceRoot', 'AdvancedSearch', 'Note', 'quota_heaviest_containers_cv', 'Favorites', 'Section', 'SimpleTask', 'ConditionalTask', 'OrderedFolder', 'BasicAuditSearch')) AND (LOWER([F1].[title]) LIKE '%curso%') AND ([hierarchy].[isversion] IS NULL) AND ([F2].[lifecyclestate] <> 'deleted')) UNION ALL SELECT [H].[id] AS [C1] FROM [hierarchy] [H] JOIN [proxies] ON [H].[id] = [proxies].[id] JOIN [hierarchy] ON [proxies].[targetid] = [hierarchy].[id] LEFT JOIN [dublincore] [F1] ON [hierarchy].[id] = [F1].[id] LEFT JOIN [misc] [F2] ON [hierarchy].[id] = [F2].[id] WHERE (([hierarchy].[primarytype] IN ('SectionRoot', 'Workspace', 'Forum', 'RelationSearch', 'user_open_tasks_cv', 'FollowLifeCycleTransitionTask', 'PublishTask', 'Thread', 'Collection', 'TemplateRoot', 'Document', 'Folder', 'DocumentRouteStep', 'Domain', 'Collections', 'File', 'WorkspaceRoot', 'AdvancedSearch', 'Note', 'quota_heaviest_containers_cv', 'Favorites', 'Section', 'SimpleTask', 'ConditionalTask', 'OrderedFolder', 'BasicAuditSearch')) AND (LOWER([F1].[title]) LIKE '%curso%') AND ([H].[isversion] IS NULL) AND ([F2].[lifecyclestate] <> 'deleted'))) AS [T] – LIMIT 10 OFFSET 0 – COUNT TOTAL UP TO 10

There was no fulltext index in the dublincore table, so I've created (for the 'title' field). I've tested it in a SQL Server Query (changing the LIKE with a CONTAINS predicate) and it works, but Nuxeo is throwing the same error.

Does anyone know how to fix it?


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1 answers



Please check VCS Configuration to see how to configure fulltext indexes. But this won't help because note that due to SQL Server limitations (see doc) only one fulltext index can be configured, which prevents the use of additional ones like for “title”.

In Nuxeo 6.0 and later Elasticsearch is used instead of native database fulltext, in part to work around these limitations.

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