REST API deos not return results that NQXL search deos

hi i'm facing an issue with the REST API, it works randomly, sometimes it returns the results im excpecting, but other time i got no result for query that are working in NXQL search for example here is a url i'm testing: https://mynuxeo/nuxeo/api/v1/query?query=SELECT * FROM Document WHERE fichier:vvvvvv LIKE '%XXXXX%' AND ecm:aaaa = 0 AND ecm:bbbb = 'yyyy' AND ecm:ccc = 0 this is not returning anything

but in the oder hand when i'm using NXQL search the same query (SELECT * FROM Document WHERE fichier:vvvvvv LIKE '%XXXXX%' AND ecm:aaaa = 0 AND ecm:bbbb = 'yyyy' AND ecm:ccc = 0) is returning results

any ideas?

Thank you

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1 answers



In URLs % characters have to be escaped. This is not specific to Nuxeo.

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