Enabling update versions in toggleable layout

How can we enable update versions in toggleable layout? Even after setting “Edit options” in toggleable widget to true and making the document versionalble, the versionning options are not appearing in toggleable layout

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1 answers




Versions will be available just before the “comment” part in toggleable layout when this template is changed into a widget template (see https://jira.nuxeo.com/browse/NXP-8965).

If you're in a hurry and cannot wait for this to be available, you can try “cheating” by adding this widget to the layout that needs to be toggled, adapting a widget template from the one visible on the default edit tab: https://github.com/nuxeo/nuxeo-dm/blob/release-5.6/nuxeo-platform-webapp/src/main/resources/web/nuxeo.war/incl/document_versioning.xhtml

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Thanks Anahide. The second option with widget template worked.