"Privilege 'Read' is not granted to " when workflow task is terminated

Hello all, I use nuxeo 6HF2 server. In a workflow, I grant specific permission to the task assignees. When the task is ended (validate ou reject button), the assignee gets a security error page. Because the current is the document view that is no more accessible by the user. I tried to redirect the user to home page, no success. How can I do? how to avoid that error ?

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1 answers



Solution : I had to grant Read permission to all participants. But It was not so easy to use setACL operation with group as the user parameter. I tried to use “group:groupname”, “group:” prefix was wrong. There is a miss in documentation !

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Corinne please can tell me how did you "grant Read permission to all participants" ? You had to modify the java classes or using extensions (XML files) ? Thank you

Have a look at http://explorer.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/site/distribution/current/viewComponent/studio.extensions.nuxeo-routing-default You could override some operation from the chains contribution (eg : terminateWorkflow)

Here is my automations chains :

- Context.FetchDocument
- Context.SetVar:
    name: participants
    value: "@{Fn.concatenateValuesAsNewList([****]}"
- Document.RemoveACL:
    acl: local
- Context.RunOperationOnList:
    id: UTIL_setacl
    list: participants
    isolate: "false"
    item: user
    newTx: "false"
      permission: Read
      acl: local
    rollbackGlobalOnError: "true"
- Document.SetACE:
    permission: ReadWrite
    user: "@{Document[\"dc:creator\"]}"
    acl: local
    grant: "true"
    overwrite: "false"
- Document.Save
- Document.SetACE:
    permission: Everything
    user: Everyone
    acl: local
    grant: "false"
    overwrite: "false"
- Document.Save

and UTIL_setacl :

- Context.FetchDocument
- Document.SetACE:
    permission: "@{ChainParameters['permission']}"
    user: "@{user}"
    acl: "@{ChainParameters['acl']}"
    grant: "true"
    overwrite: "false"

Thank you so much pibou Bouvret and Corinne , i could find the solution based on your answers