Alternative to alfresco?

We are evaluating open source content management systems. We've looked a bit at Alfresco, how does Nuxeo compare in terms of performances and customization? Any hints or resources to learn about that?

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1 answers



I've personally implemented Alfresco and Nuxeo, and made the decision to go with Nuxeo after working with Alfresco. I think Nuxeo is much more user friendly, and has a lot more baked in features. However, it really depends on your requirements. I would recommend solidifying those and then doing some Google searches to see which would be the best fit for you.

1 votes

This answer is already 6 years old by now, nevertheless I wanted to back your reply and pointing to an article that I just wrote today about why I switched from Alfresco to Nuxeo (I'm an Alfresco Certified Engineer and Administrator, used Alfresco in projects, recently switched to Nuxeo as the preferred solution). Here is the article on Medium: