How can I search for occurrences of an exact phrase in one or more documents?

I have tried enclosing the search phrase in quotation marks, using the Required Words field of the Advanced Search, but this does not limit the search results to those documents in which the exact phrase appears.

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1 answers



Surely someone else must have need of this capability. I am perplexed that there has been no response to this question.

Maybe if you gave a more precise description of what you're trying to achieve and what you tried, with examples?

1) Click on "Advanced search" 2) Enter "ecclesiastical octopus" in the "Required words" field. 3) Hit the Enter key. 4) Observe that the documents found do not necessarily contain the exact phrase, but instead include all the documents which contain both the word "ecclesiastical" and the word "octopus" but not necessarily adjacent to one another.

Works for me on latest Nuxeo 5.7 snapshot with embedded H2 database: I create a Note document with text The small octopus really has ecclesiastical tendencies. Going to advanced search and entering in Required words the text (with quotes included) “ecclesiastical tendencies” returns my document, but “ecclesiastical octopus” does not.

You haven't specified what Nuxeo version and database are you using.

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I'm using Nuxeo 5.5

This version is old and the behavior of the Required words field may have changed a bit since then. You should upgrade.

Btw even in 5.5 this may have been fixed by NXP-8866 (not sure), are you using the latest hotfix?

Ok, thank you. I am overdue for an upgrade. Is the release of version 5.7 just around the corner?