Nuxeo and authbind?

Nuxeo-Platform version: 5.7.3 Fasttrack

Server OS: Ubuntu 13.04

I am trying to bind Nuxeo to port 80 instead of 8080. In Ubuntu, a “user”, in this case the nuxeo user, is not able to bind to ports lower than 1024. Enter the program authbind. I have authbind configured to allow nuxeo on port 80, however, even when I change the /etc/nuxeo/nuxeo.conf file from 8080 to 80 and it still fails to start.

I did find a few references about tomcat and having the parameter “authbind=yes” set in the config file. I added authbind=yes to the nuxeo.conf and it still fails to start.

Question, can I bind nuxeo to port 80 using authbind or some other method? Thank you.

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2 answers



Usually, in such cases, people use two different solutions :

  • they either use some kind of reverse-proxy (Apache or Nginx) in front of Nuxeo, listening on 80 and connecting to 8080. It's especially useful if you need to interoperate with other kind of services (like SSO-systems, cache, etc.). Since this reverse-proxy runs (or at least starts) as root, it has no problem running on 80.
  • or they use a simple iptables-based redirection, so that every request to 80 goes instead to 8080. This is a much more simple setup, where you won't be able to do clever stuff on your incoming flow. But it's much lighter on resources.
1 votes

I kinda came to that same conclusion, so it was off to iptables. For future reference for anyone else, you need to install iptables-persistent for this to work. Here are the commands for Ubuntu 13.04. Remember to run these are root.

apt-get install iptables-persistent

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp –dport 80 -j REDIRECT –to-port 8080

iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4

This makes the changes permanent across reboots.


authbind is not a valid parameter for nuxeo.conf. If you need to change the Tomcat configuration more than what is provided by the Nuxeo parameters, then you must create a configuration template providing your own server.xml template file for instance.

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