Updating footer links via custom action-contribs.xml unsuccessful

The following actions-contrib.xml extension breaks my app and links do not get overwritten.

<component name="my.app.actions">
    <extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.actions.ActionService" point="actions">
      <action id="footer_contact_us" label="label.footer.contactUs" link="http://www.myapp.com/contact?id=1001&type=32" order="10" type="bare_link">
          <property name="target">_blank</property>
      <action id="footer_blogs" enabled="false" />

If I comment out the the action, footer_contact_us, then disabling footer_blogs is successful. But my app breaks when I update any footer link. Even changing the action-id to a custom name does not fix the problem. Any ideas?

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1 answers



I found my error. I failed to convert the & character to the &amp; html code.

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