Social Colaboration module useless?

After installing Social Colaboration module I can not approve/reject Social Workspace creation - first step necessary for any activity. After some investigation i found this: “Delphine Renevey added a comment - 04/07/13 11:31 We are no longer actively developing on Social Collaboration module. For no, no evolution is planned in our roadmap for this module.” in NXP-10814 ( ).

Am I wrong or this module is completely useless actually?

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2 answers




The JIRA ticket has been updated:

The listing of Social Workspace created is displayed for validation, but there is no actual validation after. That means the social worpaces are created and usable right away, without approval. We will fix this unclear behaviour by removing this form in the admin center.

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Need an answer to this question too.

Wonder no attention to this question for quite while.

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