Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand (with FF only!?)

Hello everyone, I get this when login onto my Nuxeo with Firefox :

Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand

But Nuxeo works fine with Internet Explorer and Chrome. I use Windows 7, 64, as a client and Nuxeo is on a WWW server. Has anyone xperinced the same difficulty? Thanks

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1 answers



I don't know that issue but Googling the message quickly drove me to the following Mozilla support question 926754. Did you try those suggested solutions?

1 votes

Hello Julien,

Thanks for the tip! The problem came from the corrupted files "cookies.sqlite". I renamed them, and Nuxeo is now working fine in FF as well as the other browser.

TO DEVELOPERS: The problem must be on the Nuxeo side though, the same problem occured on several pc's at different locations, always with FF.

Thanks :-)


If you happen to find a deterministic set of steps to reproduce it 100% of the time could you please report the issue with the reproduction steps on ?

Thanks Julien, It turns out it is probably a flaw that cannot be circumvented in any other way than firing the cooky jar :-) Thanks for your help Philippe