Migration of Old Database (FT 8.2) to New Database(LTS 2016)- means with existing old data to be migrate in new database

My old version of nuxeo was FT 8.2. Now, I have Upgraded to Nuxeo8.10 LTS 2016. I want my old data from old database into new nuxeo database. Is there are any steps by which we can easily migrate database with old data. Can you please share what you did to resolve the issue ? Thank you for your Support.

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1 answers



Hi Avi,

What do you mean by old versus new database ? Did you change your DB ? For instance MySQL -> MariaDB ?

Did you have a look at https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/upgrading-the-nuxeo-platform/ ?

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No not from mysql to Maria DB. It means from version 8.2 database to 8.10 database.. Whenever we upgrade nuxeo, every version has new database.

I want my old records in new database of new version - nuxeo lts 2016.

yes i look at url u send me… but it didn't work for me..

please help me . we dont have any support .

Thank you for your support.


Which DB do you use with Nuxeo ?

Indeed we follow DB upgrade. If need to upgrade your DB because it's a requirement for 8.10, you should follow the DB migration guide.


I am using mysql database. Nuxeo server when implemented it automatically creates tables in nuxeo database.

Can u please send me the link for DB migration..

Thank you for your support.


From this page, Nuxeo 8.10 - LTS 2016 supports MySQL 5.7. On Nuxeo 7.10 - LTS 2015, the supported version was 5.6, see here.

You can find the MySQL migration guide on their website: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/upgrading.html


No i don't want to upgrade mysql version. I just want my old records of nuxeo 8.2 into nuxeo 8.10 database. Just simple i want to transfer data from one database into another database.

For example.

First my nuxeo server was FT 8.2 and its database is nuxeo now i upgrade nuxeo 8.10 and its database is nuxeolts . So How can i get my old records into new records into new database??

Thank you for your support.


Ok, this is not related to nuxeo then. You want to make a copy of your database nuxeo to another database in the same MySQL. I searched that, and found https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqldump-copying-database.html

Note that it's not mandatory to change database when upgrading Nuxeo server.


I tried same u told me i.e. When I connected with old database with new nuxeo server, it was not worked. It gave me nullpointer exception.

Thank you for your support.


You shouldn't have these errors. Can you paste the stackstrace here ?

Sorry actually I dont have recent logs. I cleared it becoz i want to check some other functionalities.

I know what was the error:

It will give that Repository not found something like that, by printing some document Id…

As document Ids will not get from new nuxeo database . it will throw null pointer exception.

Thank you for your support.
