How to launch Nuxeo when having "Sent server start command but could not get process ID" error message


After restarting the server. nuxeo unbootable, I have the error messages: Sent start command server object Could not get process ID.

Thank you for your feedback.

0 votes

6 answers




This means that your server process hasn't started. Do you have some errors in your logs (log/server.log)? How many memory do you have on your device?



thnks for replay.


so no error memory device is :4Go RAM


and here lof from CMD windows:

Found NUXEO_CONF = F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\bin\nuxe
Found JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22
Using JAVA = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\bin\java.exe

F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1
.6.0_22\bin\java.exe""-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=
256m -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Ds
un.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" -Dnuxeo.home="F:\nux
eo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat" -Dnuxeo.conf="F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-t
omcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\bin\nuxeo.conf" -Dnuxeo.log.dir="F:\nuxeo-cap
-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\log""-29052012_16142926" -jar
 "F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\bin\nuxeo-launcher.jar" g
ui start
Nuxeo home:          F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat
Nuxeo configuration: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\bin\nu
Include template: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\templates
Include template: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\templates
Include template: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\templates
Detected Tomcat server.
Configuration files generation (nuxeo.force.generation=true)...
Configuration files generated.
Sent server start command but could not get process ID.
Nuxeo home:          F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat
Nuxeo configuration: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\bin\nu
Include template: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\templates
Include template: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\templates
Include template: F:\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat-offline\nuxeo-cap-5.5-tomcat\templates
Detected Tomcat server.
Configuration files generation (nuxeo.force.generation=true)...
Configuration files generated.
Sent server start command but could not get process ID.

Hi, I don't have the technical answer, however I updated your question title to make it more understandable for others. Hopefully, some more tech. persons will help you.

Bump!<br/>Did you get the solution from one of the following answers or by yourselves? If so, please mark it as accepted or share your own.<br/>Thanks

Shutdown happens 1h after the startup. Are you sure the server wasn't started?

Which command did you run to start the server? What is your OS version? On some Windows versions, it is not possible for the Nuxeo launcher to retrieve the process ID (aka PID) so a workaround is to start Nuxeo in background (see nuxeoctl commands such as startbg, restartbg, …).

You can also follow in order to check if the process ID is retrievable or not.

1 votes

I have the same problem. The server stops but does not start again.

This problem only occurs if I do this after installing a new JAR archive:

cp xyz.jar /var/lib/nuxeo/server/nxserver/bundles/
/etc/init.d/nuxeo restart

So I think this is a problem with the handling of the archives and some sort of time out (or state management).

The content of server.log is the following:

2012-05-31 09:39:49,726 INFO  [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutting down.
2012-05-31 09:39:49,726 INFO  [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED paused.
2012-05-31 09:39:49,726 INFO  [org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler] Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED shutdown complete.

I don't know if this exactly the same problem but if I run /etc/init.d/nuxeo start again then the server starts normally.

1 votes

I'm not sure you have the same issue if it only occurs when adding a bundle, please fill a dedicated question for yours.

I noticed your install files are on the F: drive. I have run into problems on Windows when not installing to C:. See the following link for additional information (

1 votes

I've got the same error and I don't understand why… This is useless for me, but maybe can it help you?

1 votes

when i got this message, what i do is to close the browser, run nuxeo and then nuxeo got the process.

it´s simple, but it works for me

0 votes

Hello Dear:

I found the solution to the problem generated by the aforementioned error message.

What I have done has been as follows:

In nuxeo.conf file located in C:\ProgramData\Nuxeo\Conf\ in the line corresponding to

JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m I set the values ​​in half and EUREKA! this has worked wonders!

Then, the content should look like:

JAVA_OPTS=-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m.

As a precaution, I have also made ​​this change to the same values ​​in the following files in C:\Nuxeo\bin:

  • nuxeoctl
  • pack

Bon voyage!

alt text

0 votes

Thanks for the feedback.

In your case, that is a Windows specific issue: the JVM can only allocate contiguous available memory. The issue with your workaround is that Nuxeo won't have enough memory and the JVM will spend time in the garbage collector.

A better fix is to add memory to your system and/or run Nuxeo just after startup in order to have more chances to find enough contiguous unused memory.


Dear Julien Carsique

According to the technical documentation regarding minimum hardware requirements for Windows is suggested 2Gb RAM, Intel Core 2 CPU and at least 300MB free hard disk.

My laptop has 4Gb RAM, Intel Core i3 and 500Gb hard drive with about 200 GB free.

Is there any other reason for Nuxeo only work by modifying the values ​​set?

Thank you.


Yes: as said, this is a Windows specific issue. The Windows OS is not able to allocate non contiguous memory to the JVM.

Let's say you have 2GB of free memory but it is fragmented and the greater contiguous block is about 700MB, then the JVM won't be able to start with a -Xmx1024m option.

I'm not a Windows expert so I can't give you much more advices or recommend any tool but you could give a look at those:
