CAS Single Sign Out From Nuxeo and Spring Security

I have Implemented CAS SSO with Spring Security and Nuxeo. I have Problem In Single Sign Out From Nuxeo. When I Do Logout From Nuxeo It Logged out from Both Application(Nuxeo and Spring App). But When I Do Logout From Spring App It Will Only Logged Out From Spring App and not From Nuxeo.

I Found a Link here but no specific response on this.

Any Help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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2 answers



Can we use the latest CAS client, instead of using CAS Addon? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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We are also facing the same issue. We have integrated Liferay & Nuxeo by using CAS. If we logout from Nuxeo, we are able to logout from Liferay. But, if we logout from Liferay, we are not able to logout from Nuxeo. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Nuxeo CAS Auth is based on CAS V2

Are you sure this version of CAS does implement global logout ?
