about hotfixes

I know that the preparation of packages with various fixes (Nuxeo Hotfixes) and the automatic installation of them it's not free and i respect that, companies need to make money and for me Nuxeo has done a great project with a really big amount of work behind.

Right now i can't pay one of the subscriptions because my customer it's a small school with no funds at this time, maybe in a future (given they found useful what Nuxeo provides) they could ask for funds for a subscription, they are not going to use all what nuxeo supports either, we are speaking of a small installation for 4~5 users but i would like to maintain his installation updated.

I read in this question are-hotfix-free that i should have the option to download the fixes myself and apply manually, indeed in jira i can find the bugs fixed in every task and the source code that changed but i can't find a url to download the individual jars or a complete hotfix (although i need to apply manually) i have searched in Nexus but maybe because i am not familiar with maven i don't know how to get the patched binaries.

How should i proceed to manually maintain updated my customer Nuxeo installation? Do i have to compile from source complete Nuxeo for every fix patched in Jira after manually apply the fix to my copy of the complete Nuxeo source?

Regards, Miguel Angel.

1 votes

1 answers




You won't find the complete hotfix packages since they are stored in the Nuxeo Marketplace but only available to registered users. You may not always find the individual hotfix JARs since they are usually only published on restricted Maven repositories dedicated to our customers' developers.
So, you will have to compile the whole Nuxeo sources for every fix patched. Of course, if it was an easy task, we wouldn't have made it a subscription-based service.

Keeping your customer installation updated is a nice intention but for 4~5 users, the small amount of documents and the reduced usage of the application they will probably have, it seems acceptable to only upgrade them from release to release (which happens every 3~6 months). If they fall into a known issue, then you will still be able to only fix the corresponding bundle(s) following Jira instructions. Later, if their usage of Nuxeo increases, it will make sense for them to look for a subscription and get the funds.

Note also, instead of spending time to manually rebuild the hotfix (which will be a pain), I would rather recommend to spend time on customizing Nuxeo to their needs, following their usage and continuously improving their experience.

Maybe you, or your customer, should nevertheless contact us about pricing since we have special subscriptions plans for educational and other schools could be interested into pooling the costs…

Best regards,

2 votes

I am trying to learn how to best customize to his needs but i am a bit lost with the documentation, i suppose this need a good bunch of time to understand all the pieces and make minor modifications or configurations to Nuxeo.