How to enable select All checkbox to select all documents in particuar folder?


I want to select all the document in a particular folder. I am just able to select multiple docs but not all the docs in one click. How can I activate selectAll checbox in nuxeo-data-table component?

Could anyone please help me to find this out?

Thank you,

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1 answers




The “select all” feature is not available in Web UI. If the result list contains few results, you can select the first result, click on Ctrl and select the last line, as on your Os File Browser.

You can easily implement this feature from Studio.


0 votes

Hi, thank you for your reply, But I need to add a new button in Results Action slot in order to launch an operation (update properties for exemple) of all the documents in such parent document . To resume, I want to select all documents and then updating all documents with just one click. Any help? Regards,

Check what is done with the CSV Export button: create a button on the folderish doc type, which opens a dialog. In this dialog, display the info you would like to edit, then rely on an automation scripting to perform the update.