Installing nuxeo-drive on Windows


I have installed nuxeo-drive-1.2013.0607-win32.msi

My local platform is Windows 7

My server is 5.6

Indeed I see that nuxeo-drive is active in my UI

I can create a new document in Nuxeo, indeed I see that it is updated in my nuxeo-drive

But if I create a new document (eg. a simple text file *.txt) in my nuxeo-drive it does not appear in the UI

I tried the update button with no effet

Can you help me?

Regards Christian Arnault

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1 answers



Have you synchronized any folder in the web interface? In this case it should create a sub-folder in your local Nuxeo Drive folder. Creating a new file in this sub-folder should create the remote doc. Maybe you are creating a file dirzectly in the Nuxeo Drive folder, in which case yes it will not be synchronized, because this folder has no matching folder server-side.

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