problem deploying nuxeo studio project or hotfix

Hello, On the two servers, it is impossible to download my project studio or an hotfix. My browser is “flashing” after 8% of upload and it is blocked. This is not the case on my computer while (I'm on the same network) Do you have any idea? Thank you

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1 answers




What are the respective browsers and versions? Are there no information in the logs?

Note you could also perform the download from the command line with nuxeoctl.

0 votes


Thank you for your answer. Here is the log message error :

ERROR [org.nuxeo.connect.downloads.LocalDownloadingPackage] Error during communication with the Nuxeo Connect Server

The version of nuxeo is 5.6 and the browser : FFox 19.0


Note that error message have been precisely improved in 5.7.
Do you reproduce the issue in command line? If so, maybe you can get more details by activating the debug mode (-d)…

thank yoy very much to follow me ! can you precise the command line to do ?

Get the list of all available packages: ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-listall
Download a Studio project: ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-add jcarsique-0.0.3
or a hotfix: ./bin/nuxeoctl mp-add nuxeo-5.6.0-HF12-1.0.0

Add "-d" anywhere on the command line to switch in DEBUG mode.

See ./bin/nuxeoctl help for all available commands and options.


i get the solution It was our firewall. There were a big problem with the port 8080. Thank you a lot for your help and sorry for the desagrement V