How make drag n' drop with folder functionnal...

When I try to drag n' drop folder (containing files + folders) the border of the rectangle come green and nothing append after, but when i try to move files (not folder) it work…

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2 answers



Drag n' drop of a folder is not allowed by HTML5 for security reasons, so that feature is not available.

It is only possible with previous versions of Nuxeo by using a plugin, see

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Hi, Is it possible to import a folder by another way ? (using nuxeo 5.5)

As explained in drop-and-drag-on-firefox-901, if you need to perform a mass import, see Import a file system.

Another solution would be to work on the FF plugin for making it compliant with Nuxeo 5.4.2+ and HTML5, managing the drop of a folder: the plugin would then recurse in the folder and call the current JavaScript for each file.


Hey, maybe this should be IN BIG BOLD BLOODY LETTERS in the documentation, instead of just a response to a question on the forum.

Just saying.

0 votes

This is what it says in the doc: "If you use the drag and drop extension, you can drag and drop folders in workspaces. The complete structure of the dropped folder is then reproduced and created in Nuxeo."

Thanks for pointing out-of-date documentation, it will be updated.

Of course, we'll find a friendly workaround for that HTML5 limitation…


any update on the HTML 5 work around? for the moment i found that WebDAV is the only working solution for me.