Error when deploying a simple plugin


I must be doing something very wrong but here is the case.

I downloaded and installed Nuxeo DM Tomcat distribution and started it. Then I stopped it and added my plugin to the plugins folder and restarted.

I am getting the following error in the server log:

2011-11-01 11:27:21,809 ERROR [org.nuxeo.runtime.osgi.OSGiRuntimeService] Error deploying resource: jar:file:/D:/NuxeoDM/nxserver/plugins/nuxeo-sample-project-5.4.2.jar!/OSGI-INF/deployment-fragment.xml
2011-11-01 11:27:21,809 ERROR [org.nuxeo.runtime.osgi.OSGiComponentLoader] java.lang.ClassCastException: org.nuxeo.runtime.model.impl.ExtensionImpl cannot be cast to org.nuxeo.runtime.model.impl.RegistrationInfoImpl

This is how my deployment-fragment.xml looks like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fragment version="1">
    <extension target="faces-config#NAVIGATION">
            <redirect />
        <unzip from="${bundle.fileName}" to="/">
        <delete path="sampledir.tmp" />
        <mkdir path="sampledir.tmp" />
        <unzip from="${bundle.fileName}" to="sampledir.tmp">
        <append from="sampledir.tmp/OSGI-INF/l10n/"
            to="nuxeo.war/WEB-INF/classes/" addNewLine="true" />
        <delete path="sampledir.tmp" />


At this point I don't have any clues what the problem might be so any help would be highly appreciated.

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1 answers



It was my bad.

I've had deployment-fragment.xml listed in the manifest file under Nuxeo-Component and processing it was failing.

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