Vocabulary from referenced CSV not added to database


I'm trying to add this .csv as a vocabulary in studio. It's uploaded and “referenced” by the vocabulary. I've verified that, when I download the project as a .jar, the spreadsheet is present in /data/vocabularies and is correct (at least, it's what I uploaded). In the database (postgresql), the appropriate studio vocabulary table is created but not populated with data (I've dropped and recreated the database to verify).

Is there some step I'm missing here?

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1 answers



I'm updating the studio project through the nuxeo admin interface, I'm just downloading the jar to check its contents. Possibly relevant detail that I omitted.

Hi, what is your Vocabulary creation policy on Studio? (http://doc.nuxeo.com/x/bYgZAQ)

It's set to on_missing_columns.

did you try always (at least to test)

It does get created with always, yes.

Well…I've changed it back to on_missing_columns and updated the project. The table is now reliably populated. Gremlins? I've tested by dropping the table individually and by dropping the entire database.

It definitely was empty before. I assume this all has something to do with the order in which I was updating the project, restarting nuxeo, and modifying the database.


glad that is works now, I'll convert my previous comment as an answer then

I tested your CSV file referenced in a test vocabulary, if the vocabulary does not exist (with on missing column policy), the vocabulary gets created and populated. Do you confirm that your vocabulary gets created but is empty? On missing column (not row) will not populate the vocabulary if it exists already, even empty.

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