Issues with using arken/service-amb

I’ve been using your scripts at as a guideline for configuring a Docker ambassador in core-os. I can honestly say these have been the best source of coreos/docker that I have come across!

I’m currently using core-os v353 as part of the beta channel (have also tried v361 on alpha, same result). I have a setup as follows:

(service-consumer) - (service-ambassador) - (service-publisher)

I originally had the (service-publisher) on a separate node to the others, but to help with debugging and rule out any network issues I reduced it down to 1 coreos node.

My (service-publisher) docker contains a java restful service that grabs a port, then registers with etcdtcl.

In the systemd unit file for (service-publisher) I define:


In ExecStart:

/usr/bin/docker run --rm -P \
    --name ${INSTANCE_NAME} \

In ExecStartPost:

PORT=`docker port $INSTANCE_NAME 8080 | awk -F : '{print $2}'`
/opt/data/tools/ $SERVICE_NAME $INSTANCE $PORT

After running this, I can successfully retrieve the host and port from etcdctl:

core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl ls /services/authentication-query-service --recursive
core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl get /services/authentication-query-service/1/location

(service-ambassador) is an instance of arken/service-amb, and is configured as follows:

In the systemd unit file I define:


In ExecStart:

/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name $INSTANCE_NAME \
    -P \
    arken/service-amb \
    -servicePath /services/authentication-query-service

I then configure (service-consumer) as follows:

In the systemd unit file I define:


In ExecStart:


/usr/bin/docker run --rm -P --name ${INSTANCE_NAME} \
  --link ${AUTHENTCIATION_QUERY_AMB}:auth_query \

After running this, I can successfully retrieve the host and port of this service from etcdctl:

core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl ls /services/workflow-public-service --recursive
core@core-01 ~ $ etcdctl get /services/workflow-public-service/1/location

In my (service-consumer) application, I set the host and port of (service-publisher) to instead use the ambassador environment variables that have been defined as part of the docker link to (service-ambassador):


Now from my understanding of reading through all the nuxeo documents and scripts (which have been an invaluable source of help on coreos and docker by the way!), I would expect that when (service-consumer) makes a rest call to (service-ambassador), it uses the ‘-servicePath’ attribute that is set as part of ExecStart of that service to look up the available service locations of (service-publisher) registered in etcdctl. But instead, the following is output in the (service-ambassador) logs:

core@core-01 ~ $ docker logs authentication-query-amb-1-service
E0629 23:24:46.375219 00001 tcpproxy.go:36] No host found for service
E0629 23:24:46.396998 00001 tcpproxy.go:36] No host found for service
E0629 23:24:46.417416 00001 tcpproxy.go:36] No host found for service
E0629 23:24:46.437557 00001 tcpproxy.go:36] No host found for service

When starting up (service-ambassador), I’ve tried the following variations, each with the same result:

-servicePath /services/authentication-query-service
-servicePath /services/authentication-query-service/
servicePath /services/authentication-query-service
servicePath /services/authentication-query-service/

Any ideas? Any help will be much appreciated.

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1 answers



I found the issue with this one. Adding the details here should anyone else have a similar problem…

In the source code of etcd-netfw I noticed that the etcd url had a hardcoded default value (see Therefore, modified the ExecStart command of (service-ambassador) to pass in the etcd url as follows:

ETCD_ADDRESS=http://$(/bin/ifconfig docker0 | awk '/inet /{print $2}'):4001
/usr/bin/docker run --rm --name $INSTANCE_NAME \
    -P \
    arken/service-amb \
    -servicePath /services/authentication-query-service \
    -etcdAddress ${ETCD_ADDRESS}

Now all working as expected :)

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