Automation service - Restore Version

Hi, Is there an automation service allowing to restore a previous version of a document ? By restore , i mean set an older version as the current document.

If not , and i want to add an operation , could someone point me on what Nuxeo classes i will need to do so.

tx Michel

0 votes

3 answers



Great it works just fine !

@Operation(id = RestoreDocument.ID,
    category = Constants.CAT_DOCUMENT,
    label = "RestoreDocument",
    description = "Restore the input Document version.")
public class RestoreDocument {

    public final static String ID = "Document.RestoreDocument";

    protected CoreSession session;

    @Param(name = "versionDocumentId")
    protected String versionDocumentId;

    public DocumentModel run(DocumentModel doc) throws Exception {
        List<DocumentModel> versions = session.getVersions(doc.getRef());
        if (versions != null) {
            for (DocumentModel version : versions) {
                if (version.getId().equals(versionDocumentId)) {
                    session.restoreToVersion(doc.getRef(), version.getRef());
                    return version;
        throw new Exception("Version Document Id not found: " + versionDocumentId);
4 votes

I'd like to try your code! :) But I have not figured out how to add this operation and how to call it by a remote automation client. I have read the documentation on how to "contribute an operation" ( but is not clear for me where how and where add the operation… in which xml? in a jar?

thanks in advance


Hi, I would like to know how to do this in version 7.2?

There is no such operation in default Nuxeo.

You could easily create one, the basic API to use is CoreSession.restoreToVersion.

2 votes

I'd like to try your code! :) But I have not figured out how to add this operation and how to call it by a remote automation client. I have read the documentation on how to “contribute an operation” ( but is not clear for me where how and where add the operation… in which xml? in a jar?

thanks in advance.

0 votes